magyar zászló

For a long time ago, the main building material was the wood on such territories of Europe, which were abounding in forest, for example Hungary and Transylvania, too. The wooden ceilings, pediments, balconies and other timbering were often decorated with painted ornaments. You can see some painted carpenter’s structures in their original environment typically in churches. The craft of painter-carpenter vanished long since. That is why Zoltán Joó has wanted to reform this ancient craft. The painter-carpenters painted the pictures direct on the timber-structure with tempera. The ornamented panels were usually made. The more rare figural themes were chosen from the Old Testament, mythology, history and legends. The representation was often naïve and many times humorous, without any restriction of space and form. This particular atmosphere of these pictures has inspired Zoltán Joó to revive this ancient tradition to enter into the spirit of it but using materials of today.

Painted staircase

Adam and Eve (part of the balcony)

Festett tornác-kapu
Painted little door

Painted little door

Triptichon of St. Stephan

Triptichon of St. Stephan

Painted balcony

Painted balcony

Adam and Eve (part of the balcony)

Gólyamadár (a faerkély részlete)

Painted staircase
Festett kazettás lépcsőház
Festett kazettás lépcsőház